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and answers

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1Why do we offer the MediNail OnychoTest?

35 million people, and counting, have nail fungus or thickened nails from infectious microbes. Thousands of new cases occur daily. Nail Fungus is one of the most difficult diseases to treat. You have to identify the problem quickly so that you can treat it quickly. The sooner it is identified, the more likely that the nail will positively respond to treatment, and the less costly it will be to successfully eradicate the infection and the less time-consuming.

Most people want to know if they have nail fungus, but aren’t aware that highly sensitive DNA services for self-testing exist. With the OnychoTest™, the nail sample can be easily collected, shipped, and then tested with results available within 1 to 2 weeks.

DNA testing is the most accurate and specifically targeted testing that you can perform to identify all possible causes of nail fungus (onychomycosis), or even bacterial BioFilm so that a proper treatment regimen can be developed.

2Is the MediNail OnychoTest the only DNA self screening test on the market?

Another reason we promote OnychoTest™ is to offer the newest possible means of screening for chronic foot infections. Maintenance of your feet is kind of like brushing your teeth: you have to do something on a regular basis to prevent chronic foot infections.

OnychoTest™ identifies highly specific percentages of potential pathogens in advance. Now you can condition your nails and surrounding tissues with certain products that may prevent chronic conditions like nail fungus and athletes foot in advance.

The identified micro-organism information from the OnychoTest™ allows you to pretreat your feet to potentially reduce the chances of higher bacterial loads that lead to bacterial infections that can promote pre-conditions for ingrown nails. The OnychoTest™ is one of the only means in the world to determine these conditions in advance.

3How does the MediNail OnychoTest™ compare to others?

Most DTM culture tests only target 30 fungal organisms unless it’s a PCR assay that might discover another 10-20 additional organisms. However, neither typically target bacterial organisms.

The OnychoTest™ targets 2000 Fungi AND 5000 Bacterial organisms. So if you have previously had a negative result, however your nail still appears abnormal; it might be adviseable to consider the OnychoTest™.

4The MediNail OnychoTest™

The OnychoTest™ is one of the most comprehensive and accurate self-testing DNA panels developed for the identification of fungal nails available to individuals or any medical office.

The OnychoTest™ may also identify Bacterial infections that have also been linked as to why nails become thickened and infected.


The OnychoTest™ will detect up to 3000 bacteria and 2000 fungal organisms, many of which are still being researched to determine if they act as pathogens individually or as biofilm.

5Q: How accurate are the results of this test?

If you do not obtain a good representative sample, the test may not be as accurate as if done in a Physician’s office and may have to be repeated at an additional cost. Although, the same risk applies when done by a Medical Professional who is not a nail specialist fails to get the best representative sample and misses the diagnosis. A physician may also still opt to repeat the test at additional costs. However, this new DNA self-test is so sensitive that the chances are greatly reduced that this may happen.

1How much is the MediNail OnychoTest™?

The MediNail OnychoTest™ is $199.00 USD.

Why do you need a $199 test to see if you have fungal Nails? One word – BIOFILM.

Through new technology, we are now aware of BioFilm. BioFilm is the formation of multiple organisms, such as bacterial and fungal microbes, that contribute to a microbial complex or “swamp”. BioFilm may be the causative agent of thickened and infected nails.

Previously, many of these simple fungal and bacterial organisms were not considered when diagnosing nail and skin infections. However, new and ongoing studies show that when mixed microbes work as complicated associations of organisms; they can create complex infections that do not heal with typical therapies.

DNA testing is the only way one can identify this diverse and intricate mixture of simple microbes that can become a complex infection.

2Does my insurance cover the MediNail OnychoTest™?

Since not all policies are equal, and vary greatly, you must contact a Medical Professional office and/or your insurance company in advance to know if this test or a similar test is covered by your policy. The MediNail Self-Test is not intended as a substitute for medical advice provided by your physician. Please seek appropriate medical consultation and follow up care. The MediNail Self‐Test and its results are not being provided pursuant to any commercial or governmental insurance carrier coverage, and any and all costs associated with the Test will be billed to the client directly. As such, clients are personally and fully responsible for all costs associated with the MediNail Self‐Test. However, if you have a Health-savings account, under some policies, it may be covered.

Frequently, insurance carriers will cover this type of test in one state, but not in other states. Medicare may cover DNA testing but only if performed in a doctor's office who is familiar with a similar DNA test and treatment.

Most insurance companies require a positive test result to pay for treatment.

3Does my doctor provide the MediNail OnychoTest™?

Doctors will not always perform a culture test, and may only visually diagnose. This unfortunately results in an inability to consider all possible treatment options and potentially result in failure to resolve the issue.

Most insurance companies require a positive test result to pay for treatment.

4Can I go to my family doctor?

Not all Doctors are Specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of nail disorders.

The OnychoTest™ is one of the most comprehensive and accurate self-testing DNA panels developed for the identification of fungal nails available to individuals or any medical office.

1When should you consider Nail Fungus Prevention?
  1. Genetic or family history of nail fungus
  2. Previous history of nail fungus or athletes foot
  3. History of nail trauma from sports or accidental injury
  4. Walking barefoot or dry foot conditions
  5. Autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, lupus, HIV or other certain medical conditions
  6. Other environmental exposure issues, dermatological skin conditions or predisposing risk factors
  7. Cohabitation with someone that has nail fungus or athlete's foot.
  8. Presence of fungal infections elesewhere on the body such as groin and trunk.
2Four Reasons for DNA Testing

BioFilm: Identifies multiple complexes of fungal and bacterial organisms that can delay healing

Specificity: DNA testing is the most accurate means to test for the presence of an individual causative organism by species. This can be important before you start oral antifungal therapy that requires monitoring of liver enzeymes.

Topical Treatment: Allows for a tailored compounding program that targets a highly concentrated topical treatment that is safer than pills.

Prevention: DNA testing offers the newest possible means of preventive identification for chronic nail and foot infections

3How easy is this test to do?
OnychoTest™ enables anyone to obtain information through a simple task that they perform routinely; by trimming their nails. Thereby they avoid the expense of a time-consuming visit to their doctor, to receive a ‘medical procedure’ of sample collection for diagnosis.
4How can I contract nail fungus or other nail infections?
Fungal and other infections may be contracted from skin contact contaminates from other individuals that share the same living areas or personal hygiene items i.e.:
  • Contaminates from sharing nail clippers, nail files, nail brushes, etc
  • Contaminates from skin via barefoot contact on floors, clothing items, bed sheeting and wearing contaminated shoes
  • From a genetic predisposition to biomechanical issues
5Who should NOT do this test?
If the nail has any of the characteristics listed below, you may be dealing with a melanoma, mucoid cyst, viral infection, acute bacterial infection, or other serious nail pathology and you should bypass this test and seek help immediately:
  • Dark linear streaking
  • Blister formation
  • Pain
  • Signs of drainage or redness (see images below)
6Do I have nail fungus or a bacterial infection if my results indicate positive or negative for Fungus and or Bacteria?
The OnychoTest™ can identify whether you have organisms present on the nail sample that may contribute to fungal or bacterial infections. Although, the results are tentative until a Physician or other Medical Professional can confirm the results physically or visually by examining your nail to render a diagnosis.
7How can the Physician confirm the results?

A1.First the Physician must visually confirm that the nail that meets the criteria for a fungal nail. They would include the "Three D's": Discolored, Dystrophic (Thickened), Debris (loose or impacted debris on top or under the nails)

A2.The Medical Professional may elect to confirm the information from your last test or by repeating other tests to include a GMS stain, a PAS (Periodic Acid Shift) stain, a DTM culture (dermatophyte culture) a KOH prep or other exams such as a biomechanical exam or gait exam to rule out other issues such as micro-trauma from friction from ambulation or contract with the ground, shoes or genetic deformities.

8I have my results, but I can’t find a Doctor. What do I do?
The results came back but you’re unable to find a doctor in your area, who will properly follow-up with all the treatment options? MediNail can contract to work with you to determine your options for an additional fee, via a Telemedicine consult. Call 423-805-7966 or email to speak to a telemedicine consultant who can help find you a doctor.

Call 423-805-7966 or email to speak to a telemedicine consultant who can help find you a doctor. Or use the form below.
